Saturday, February 25, 2017

Its Abah Birthday!

Dear Aaqil and Adeeb

As today is your Abah birthday, lets out and celebrate it! (Part ni ibu paling suka sebab tayah masak dan jalan-jalan. Hahaha)

I always looking for a reason to bring our 2 cute babies for an outing. And when it's come to birthday, Boom! Cecepat siapkan bebudak ni. Hahaha
Nowadays, the birthday celebration is just pi makan-makan..
pi playground!

Ape-apela ye nak. janji kamu happy ye dak?

Dear En.suami, 

Lets grow old together,
Hand and hand, you and me.
Sharing life's great moments,
Keeping each other company.
Living, loving, laughing,
Smelling roses as we go.
Even when our eyesight dims,
And the steps we take are slow.
And no matter where life leads us,
Remember, this is true.
Today, tomorrow...forever,
I always will love you.




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" Ya Allah, sebagaimana engkau pernah menghantar burung-burung ababil menghancurkan tentera bergajah musyrikin, maka kami memohon kepada mu ya Allah, turunkanlah bantuanmu kali ini kepada orang-orang islam di palestin, hancurkanlah rejim zionis yahudi sedahsyat-dahsyatnya" . Amin